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What Are The Differences Between A Pyrolysis Plant And A Carbonization Plant?

Pyrolysis plants are extremely popular these days when it comes to recycling waste rubber, plastic and oil sludge. What about carbonization plants? You may have heard of these two types of machines as though they were the same thing. There are similarities and differences, each of them of course used to recycle waste and turn a profit.

Truth be told, there are different types of pyrolysis, too. Each type of pyrolysis can produce products in different proportions. Bring in carbonization, and it’s all about a heavy production of carbon materials through the recycling of waste. When talking about carbonization, some people also use the term graphitization.

Carbonization, or graphitization, is no doubt quite similar to the pyrolysis process in general(Beston Group). An inert environment is required for the pyrolysis process. You’re basically heating up the waste in a reactor, and then there are many other components to a pyrolysis plant as well. When recycling waste rubber, you get steel, carbon black, pyrolysis oil and hydrocarbon gas.

With the carbonization process, the focus is on the carbon material as mentioned. It should be noted that with the pyrolysis process, you net about 40 percent carbon black. Another 40 to 50 percent is going to be the oil that you get from the process. The steel and the hydrocarbon gas only make up a small portion of what you get.

Both carbonization and pyrolysis must be done without oxygen. There shouldn’t be any oxidization. Both processes also involve the heating up of the materials in a reactor (reactor de pirólisis). You can see that there are quite a few similarities. Which type of machine and which process you prefer depends on your needs, whether you are going to use the materials in house or market them.

Carbon black is certainly a marketable and profitable substance. As you come up with your business plan, see what would make you the most money. Of course, you’re going to want to be sure that you don’t have a difficult time selling the products from your recycling efforts. You definitely want to be able to rack up those sales.

Pyrolysis is all about thermal degradation. Carbonization is described most often as only degradation. As mentioned, carbonization still involves the heating up of the waste materials (pirólisis de residuos sólidos). Processing time is longer when it comes to carbonization and there are lower temperatures involved. You can essentially match carbonization with slow pyrolysis.

Keep that in mind as you determine how long a batch is going to take compared to what products you want out of the equation. It’s all about the timing and the temperature. You have to decide what you want out of the process. If you want to slow the process down to come up with charcoal or some other substance, then you want to take a closer look at carbonization.

Essentially, carbonization and pyrolysis are the same process. It’s like looking at the different types of pyrolysis(https://www.bestoneco.com/venta-de-maquina-para-pirolisis-de-plasticos/). It’s about the minor differences in temperature and time as mentioned. You make the decision about what products you want to net from recycling the waste materials at your facility.

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